2"Angelique ♥ÅñG룆€ MoMo†ro♥: *~*aNoThEr sHaCkEd DaY bUt eNjOyAbLe*~*

Thursday, April 07, 2005

*~*aNoThEr sHaCkEd DaY bUt eNjOyAbLe*~*

~yOoOooHoOoOO~Greetings everyone~

Wow~ The hairshow is really gonna be a great experience for me. I haven been on stage for ages...(eversince i stopped dancing). Back on the stage, with all the eyes, focus on you. As this is gonna be different from dancing as, you are gonna be alone on the stage. The feelings are just so different. Felt great yet shy. Heh... Having my Dearie at the audience seats, watching me, kinda weird but excited. My theme for my hairstyle and colour is Being Naive! Does that fits me? Heh...
The place was extremely cold... practically FrEeEzZzInG~!~ Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Even with my wool knitted top is still not enough! I was practically ShIvErInG~!~ And was worried I cant walk properly on the stage tml which is the actual show when it's so cold and shivering.
I'm in the theme Being Naive~~ Den having Curly hair... or should I say, exploded curly hair Lolx...
Ok~ There's a total of 4 categories:
  1. Being Naive
  2. Being Rebellious
  3. Being in Love
  4. Being Constructive

Then in my theme, there's 3 participants and 4 each in the rest of the themes. All the hair looks so nice. Heh... Wondering wat are the results, but I believe the grand winner could be from the salon I did my hair - X'pect Studio's Rebellious hairstylist, coz the usage colour is kinda daring. Heh... And nice hairstyle too... But it's too daring for me therefore, I wont wanna haf that haircut. Heh....

I didnt take any pics as I'm sure if I can take pics anot. Therefore didnt bring any cameras. Den try taking with my phone, but den my hp is not gd enough, that's y... NO PICS for the event.. Heh.... Sorrie lah. Tml will take as many as possible ok? Heh... But I took some @ Yoshinoya for dinner after the event.


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Oh~ Here are some taken @ Home~ Heh..

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Ok I've got to sleep already. If not, wont look good tml liao. Heh...
