2"Angelique ♥ÅñG룆€ MoMo†ro♥: *~*fAlLeN iN dEeP tHoUgHts*~*

Saturday, March 26, 2005

*~*fAlLeN iN dEeP tHoUgHts*~*


No idea why am I feeling moodless. Kinda sad, but not really sad. Feel kinda depressed I guess. Been thinking alot of things.

Item List~!~
  1. Not being a good gf for my boy boy.
  2. Not able to whip up some nice dishes for my Dearie n my baobei pooch.
  3. Been lazing ard for too long....
  4. Haven been an understanding gEr....
  5. Erm.... Being cut of the feeling as I was chatting away with my fren. Oppz...(Back from break)
  6. Messed up the room instead of clearing up.
  7. Being a piggy in La La Land too much...
  8. Wat else?????

Cont. later bah... If i'm back into that mood. Heh... ~Ciaoz~

~dOnE wIf mY DaTaBaSe~Lazing on the chair searching for anime to watch, viewing pictures of cute little pooches~

An eVeNt's cOmInG tHiS cOmInG Sat. It's gOnNa bE a sUpEr dUpEr bZ wEeK. BuT bZ wEeK kEePz mE OcCuPiEd. dAt's gOoD~

Wondering where's the little boy,... he's not in mY area of vision, guess he's in the toilet again... His favourite spot.. the cooling tiles..

fEeL lIkE gOiNg tO SiMeI tO sEe pUpS. BeEn aGeS eVeRsInCe I wEnT tHeRe. jUz wAnNa sEe tHoSe kEwL lil pOoChEs.